About Me

I always loved reading other sports blogs. Those from pro-ranked athletes I admired, or friends I had made along the way who aspired to become something more. I pored through their accounts, seeking a morsel of the thing that helped make them something great. Scouring for some tip about training, hydration, mental focus that I hadn't thought of yet. Hoping to become inspired for my next intense training session.

I promise you nothing...

But I hope within these pages you may find something of your own of value. If you do, let me know. I'd love to hear it.

If not, kindly keep your thoughts to yourself.

The title of the blog comes from a line I read in an article in the Guardian on professionalism in sports: "Olympic athletes were ostensibly amateurs until the 1988 games in Seoul..." That's were I picture myself. An amateur athlete, not paid to do sport, no glamorous sponsorship deals, and no pressure to perform at the very top aside from that I place on myself. But just because I'm not an elite doesn't mean I don't pour the same blood, sweat, and tears into every training session, hoping to improve just a little bit more over the course of each year. 

Ostensibly, an amateur, but with big goals and big heart.

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